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The Choice Hotels discount is set at a fixed 15% off the best available rate at all our participating properties worldwide. Closest Choice Hotel properties are listed below:
Comfort Inn (1.3km away), 240 Belfield Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1H3
Quality Inn (4.4km away), 6355 Airport Rd, Mississauga, ON L4V 1E4
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Event Information
To view the current schedule, click HERE.
Please note- Conference start and end times are subject to change slightly.
Conference Dates & Time:
Wednesday, June 12th
7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday, June 13th
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Networking Events:
June 11th- Attendee Reception
Delta Hotel (655 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON)- Terrace Room
6-8 pm
June 11th- VIP Party sponsored by Canada Welding Supply
Rainhard Brewing Co, (100 Symes Rd, Unit 108 Toronto, ON)
8-12 pm
June 12th- Awards Dinner
Delta Hotel (655 Dixon Rd, Toronto, ON)- International Room AB
6-10 pm
Here are the outstanding speakers who will be presenting during CanWELD 2024
Shima Akbarian
PhD Student
University of Waterloo
J. Eduardo Alvarez Rocha
Msc Student
University of Alberta
Mahyar Asadi
Vice President Innovations
Novarc Technologies
Kevin Bagheri
Welding and Materials Engineer
Canada Welding Engineering Corp.
Nairn Barnes
Welding and Materials Engineer
Sam Barrett
Vice President Preconstruction & Sales
Walters Inc.
Duncan Beaumont
Translas North America
André Boulianne
Manager, Procedures & Electrodes Certification
CWB Group
Ryan Boyd
Director of Sales Engineering
Walter Automation
Jim Brown
Vice President of Construction Services
Ontario Power Generation
Daniele Calista
Ph.D. Student
University of Alberta
Paul Cheng
Retired International Management Consultant
Fuse Ring
Hellen Christodoulou
Executive Vice President, Engineering, Sustainability and Business Development
Corbec Inc.
Jen Coulson
Triple M Metal
Mark Fernandes
Manager of Engineering, Procurement and Construction
CWB Group
Jay Flowers
Laser Welding and Brazing Expert
Scott Fong
Chief Executive Office / Group Director
Cooperheat Equipment
Adrian P. Gerlich
University of Waterloo
George Gritziotis
Executive Director
Ontario Tripartite Labour Resource Council
Hasan Habib
MASc Student
University of Waterloo
Ebrahim Harati
Program Director- Department of Engineering Science
University West
Will Healy II
Global Industry Manager, Welding
Universal Robots
Ashiqur Khan
Supervisor, Procedures Approval
CWB Group
Zahra Khodamoradi
University of British Columbia
Nitheesh Kumar Ramasamy
Msc Student
University of Alberta
Joyce Lam
Welding Engineer
PCL Industrial Management Inc.
Marissa McMurray
Regional Communications Manager
Patricio Mendez
Professor- Weldco/Industry Chair in Welding and Joining Director
CCWJ - University of Alberta
Ernst Miklos
European Welding Engineer
Carly Myers
Sheridan College
Tam Nguyen
Conestoga College
Tetsuya Oyamada
PhD student
University of Waterloo
Nathaniel Roberts
Heavy Industrial Product Manager
ESAB Canada
Cedrik Rochon
Director, Technology and Process Engineering
Walter Automation
Hassan Saghafifar
Welding Inspector
Seaspan ULC
Sofia Salazar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship
University of Alberta
Rebecca Sanguigni
Manager of Strategy & Corporate Development
Shadab Sarmast-Ghahfarokhi
PhD Student
University of Waterloo
Daniela Todaro
General Manager Bothwell Steel
Haitao Wang
Sr. Metal Fab Productivity Specialist
Linde Canada Inc.
Jason Wooley
Managing Director
Jihui Yan
MASc Student
University of Waterloo
Kaiping Zhang
PhD student
University of Waterloo
Shima Akbarian

Revolutionary Intermetallic Compounds Formation During Laser Braze Welding of Zinc-Coated Automotive Steels
Target audience: Welding scientists and engineers, researchers, students.
Key learnings: Insights into an in-depth investigation on manipulation and characterization of novel intermetallic compounds generated during laser weld brazing will be delivered.
Abstract: This study investigates laser-weld-brazing (LWB), a prevalent automotive joining method prone to intermetallic compound (IMC) formation at the braze/substrate interface, causing joint mechanical degradation. LWB was applied to thin gauge zinc-coated interstitial free steel sheets using Si-bronze filler material in a double-flanged lap joint configuration. An innovative approach was developed to shift IMC formation from the interface to the interior, termed interface IMCs, enhancing joint strength and ductility. IMC formation mechanisms were investigated using an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to understand the segregation behaviour of the elements. Though the formation of some IMC is unavoidable at their typical location at the substrate/braze interface, a higher amount of these IMCs formed far away from the interface at the centre of the braze. Such interface IMC formation occurs due to a high accumulation of Fe elements coming from the substrate into the braze. The IMC exhibited diverse morphologies, including flat and dendritic structures, with a concentrated Fe element island at the braze center. This novel microstructure with interface IMCs was achieved under controlled high heat input without destructive substrate melting during LWB.
Bio: Shima is a Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo. She is pursuing her Ph.D. at the Centre for Advanced Materials Joining (CAMJ) research group, under the supervision of Prof. Elliot Biro. Additionally, she is a scholar at the Aerospace Research Center in the National Research Council (NRC) Canada, under the co-supervision of Dr. Sheida Sarafan. Shima is interested in laser materials joining, and her research focuses on laser weld brazing of Zn-coated automotive steels. In her work, she is aiming for process optimization to produce AI-friendly joints to improve real-time inspections, and modification of brazing microstructure to improve mechanical performance. Prior to my Ph.D. journey, she received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology and University of Tehran, Iran. Her background is broad from atomic scale to the macroscopic scale! She was working on deformation behavior of materials (severe deformation and deformation path change), texture analysis, fatigue behavior of nanocrystalline materials, and molecular dynamics simulation.
Revolutionary intermetallic compounds formation during Laser Braze Welding of Zinc-coated Automotive SteelsJune 13th : 2:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
J. Eduardo Alvarez Rocha

Deep Learning to Characterize the Morphology of the Arc and Metal Transfer in GMAW
Key learnings: The audience will learn about: how individual fall voltages contribute to a total voltage fall, quantification of arc length behaviour with changing voltage, and droplet morphology by applying deep learning to high-speed videos of the GMAW process.
Abstract: The heat input is a key component of a welding procedure, which is dependent on fall voltages and amperage settings that directly impact the mode of metal transfer in GMAW. The mode of metal transfer achieved significantly influences the characteristics and quality of the weld bead deposited.
Traditionally, high-speed videography for analyzing metal transfer characteristics (e.g. droplet formation and arc length measurements) has depended on human interpretation for both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Although effective, human interpretations are time consuming and prone to error. Thus, making it desirable to interpret these high-speed videos through automated means, which allow for a larger number of frames to be interpreted in a fraction of the time. This presentation focuses on the quantification of key features in the GMAW arc region using a deep learning architecture called U-Net. Here, a series of welds using ER4043 were analyzed with synchronized data (voltage, amperage, and high-speed videography) to obtain results for key features including droplet size, droplet frequency, arc length, and respective relationships to voltage and amperage. Performance results of the deep learning algorithm will be shared along with a sample comparison to human interpretations of the same sample set.
Bio: J. Eduardo Alvarez Rocha is a M.Sc. Student in Welding Engineering at the University of Alberta. His research focus is on validating models to create design tools for welding procedure development by understanding droplet morphology, arc length behaviour, and fall voltages across the welding arc in GMAW. Prior to his M.Sc. studies at the University of Alberta, Eduardo gained over 15 years of experience in the Alberta energy sector focusing on critical welding repairs during maintenance outages. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta, a Red Seal Journeyman Certificate in Welding after his studies at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and other inspector certificates including a CSA 178.2 Level 2 Welding Inspector Certificate from the CWB.
Deep Learning to Characterize the Morphology of the Arc and Metal Transfer in GMAWJune 13th : 10:00 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Mahyar Asadi

Vision-Based Adaptive Welding Solutions for the Top Three Challenges in Welding Fabrication
Target audience: Technology leaders, product managers, CTO, CEO, engineering managers, welding engineers
Key learning: Adaptive welding technology solution in addressing the major challenges faced by the welding industry: fitup variation, tack adaptation, and seam tracking.
Abstract: With over 100 robotic deployments in high-mix welding environments and a decade-long commitment to engaging with welding fabrication, we have identified the top three challenges facing this industry: fit up variation, tack adaptation, and seam tracking. Adaptive welding technology that responds dynamically to live welding scenes, represents a crucial advancement that could address these challenges effectively. Unlike the current solution, which relies on pre-scanning and has been met with limited enthusiasm due to its significant preparation time and reliance on costly and scarce programming expertise, vision-based adaptive welding technology operates in real-time, mirroring the actions of skilled human welders. In essence, it fills welding robots with the perception and cognitive abilities of experienced welders, resulting in consistently high-quality welds.
Considering the pervasive development of AI, the core of the adaptive welding system must adeptly handle a wide array of welding conditions, encompassing various joint preparation types, positions, thicknesses, materials, and more. Meeting this demand for training the AI core involves exploring a range of approaches, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In our adaptive welding applications, we draw upon our experiences in implementing these solutions to address the complexities of the task at hand, ultimately providing effective solutions to the top challenges in welding.
Bio: Mahyar Asadi is the Vice President of Innovation at Novarc Technologies, directing smart welding technologies using industry 4.0 platforms, machine learning, intelligent vision systems, digital twins, IIoT, and simulation tools for welding automation and autonomy. His industry-leading work has resulted in more than 110 published papers and significant awards from the International Institute of Welding, the Canadian Welding Bureau, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Canada's Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Mahyar has a Ph.D. in Computational Weld Mechanics and high-profile experience applying his knowledge to the automotive, aircraft, marine, medical devices, energy, oil & gas, and heavy machinery industries. He holds a Professional Engineering Licence, PMP certificate, IWE designation, ASME FFS, Digital Twins, and Machine Learning Certificates. He is also an adjunct professor in the Materials Department at the University of British Columbia, teaching a signature course on "Welding and Joining of Materials."
Vision-Based Adaptive Welding Solutions for the Top Three Challenges in Welding FabricationJune 13th : 1:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Kevin Bagheri

Welding Automation in Fabrication of Navy Combat Ship Gas Turbine Exhaust System
Target audience: The Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard, National Shipbuilding, Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC), Large Vessel Shipbuilding
Key learnings: Industrially applicable methods of Welding Automation for large Navy Combat Ship Turbine Exhaust System made of Austenitic Stainless Steels.
Keywords: Gas Turbin Exhaust System, Welding Automation, Navy Combat Ship, Austenitic Stainless Steel, Warship
Abstract: Despite desires to move away from fossil fuels for transportation, worldwide demand for Naval Gas Turbine continues to be strong in 2024 and beyond. Across the world, investment in naval Diesel and Gas Turbine engine exhausts and intakes have hit record levels. In response, new manufacturing capacity is attempting to spin up. This was consistent across all Diesel and Gas Turbine exhaust systems but especially in warship and navy capacity, presently spinning up new capacity in 2024/2025 to reach new extremes never seen before. In times of skilled worker shortages, welding automation must play a key part in the industry’s success. There are new options for even higher productivity and quality. While much has been accomplished, the Navy exhaust industry’s key stakeholders and critical supply chain providers also agree more is needed.
To achieve further industry acceleration, continued collaboration between industry supply chain, project owners, investors and local governments must continue. Together they will provide the force and mass to achieve true rapid acceleration. A step change in welding technology is needed to achieve this future. The goal of this paper is to introduce industrially applicable methods of welding automation for large Navy Combat Ship ducts made of Austenitic Stainless Steels.
Bio: Kevin Bagheri MScE, PEng is a professional materials and welding engineer, involved in engineering consulting, quality management, research, training, and project management. Kevin is a BScE (Materials Engineering) and MScE (Welding Engineering) graduate in 2002. Kevin is a certified Level 3 CGSB NDE Inspector, a CSA certified Level 3 Weld Inspector, a CWB Weld Specialist, and a certified CSA W 47.1 and CSA W 47.2 Weld Engineer. Kevin is a retained CWB Weld Engineer for some Eastern Ontario fabrication shop since 2013. Kevin is now the director of Canada Welding Engineering Corporation and supports the aerospace, shipbuilding, power plant, energy, fabrication, construction and NDE weld inspection with customers across Canada and worldwide. Kevin is a part time Professor at the University of Ottawa and teaching Welding Design, Fabrication, and Quality Control course since 2015.
Welding Automation in Fabrication of Navy Combat Ship Gas Turbine Exhaust SystemJune 12th : 9:30 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Nairn Barnes

The Importance of Taking Field Repairs Seriously: Vibrating Screen Cloth Failure Analysis
Target audience: Welders, inspectors, engineers and supervisors
Key learnings: Importance of field weld repair quality as illustrated by a vibrating screen cloth failure analysis.
Abstract: Field repairs are often a necessity in industries where extended periods of downtime have severe productivity and thereby cost consequences. This presentation will present a case study of a vibrating screen cloth that was weld repaired in the field with several field related constraints with the goal of minimizing process downtime and thereby maintaining productivity. Following weld repair and overlay reinstatement, the screen cloth failed in service after less than half the anticipated service life. The resultant failure mode was a first for the client and caused greater operational downtime than would have been caused by completing the repair in a more detailed manner in the first place. The audience will be exposed not only to the consequences of placing productivity above quality, but also to the thought process of a failure analysis and the recommendations made to the client at the end of the project to avoid reoccurrence.
Bio: Nairn Barnes is a Welding and Materials Engineer for IRISNDT operating out of their Edmonton, AB office. Nairn has an undergraduate degree in Materials Engineering and a PhD in Materials Engineering specializing in welding. He worked for 6 years in the structural steel industry as a welding engineer and SME. Since joining IRISNDT, he has shifted his focus to the Oil and Gas industry and new energy technologies and initiatives such as hydrogen storage/transportation and carbon capture related projects. Nairn is the current CWBA Edmonton Chapter chair and is passionate about the continued success of the Canadian welding industry. He is also involved with IIW and has previous involvement with the AWS.
The Importance of Taking Field Repair Seriously: Vibrating Screen Cloth Failure Analysis June 12th : 9:00 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Sam Barrett

“It’s a Small World.”Building Relationships and Exceptional Project Experiences
Key learnings: Navigate the dynamic network of relationships within the construction industry. Uncover the surprising proximity between professionals, projects, and innovations. Learn how understanding and leveraging these connections can drive success and foster innovation in steel construction.
Target audience: All those passionate about shaping the future of construction.
Abstract: Join us as we explore the interconnected world of design and construction – it’s smaller than you might think. With a rich history spanning over 65 years in designing, fabricating, and constructing steel for commercial and industrial projects across North America, the Walters Group commitment to being a true partner echoes through every bolt and beam. Join us in this keynote as we explore the intricate web of connections within the construction industry, weaving together our journey of innovation and collaboration.
We will offer a compelling profile of our company's evolution, from humble beginnings to our current status as an integrated network of companies. Emphasizing our dedication to delivering exceptional experiences, we'll showcase a selection of projects that not only demonstrate our capabilities but also highlight intriguing challenges overcome.
Bio: Sam is a decisive, dynamic, and highly motivated construction & management professional with a ‘get it done’ attitude. He began his career as an undergraduate structural design engineer, serving the UK and Irish structural steel market with Severfield NI Ltd.
He later joined Walters Inc. as a Project Coordinator and very quickly moved into a Project Manager position. Having led teams on numerous complex projects across a wide variety of sectors, Sam is proven to excel in high pressure environments and actively seeks new and creative ways to overcome obstacles.
In his current role, Sam leads group pursuits on projects across North America, big and small. He is an excellent collaborator and communicator who is focused on building long standing relationships with team members, customers, and suppliers.
It’s a Small World: Building Relationships and Exceptional Project Experiences June 13th : 9:00 am
Room: FABTECH Main-stage
Duncan Beaumont

Revolutionizing Welding Excellence: Automated Technologies and Intelligent Fume Extraction Systems
Target audience: Welders, Supervisors, Manufacturing Engineers, HSE Manager (Health & Safety), Facility Managers, Production Managers, Maintenance Managers, Owners / General Managers, and Purchasers in the Metalworking, welding & fabrication manufacturing industry including but not limited to General Manufacturing, Construction, Aerospace, Automotive, Shipbuilding, Railroad, Oil & Gas, Energy, Agriculture, Defense & Military, Robotics etc.
Key learnings: In this presentation, attendees will gain insights into how automated welding technologies and intelligent fume extraction systems are transforming the welding landscape, ensuring precision, enhancing safety standards, and promoting sustainability in industrial operations.
Abstract: Automated Welding Technologies, with a specific focus on fume extraction systems, play a pivotal role in elevating the precision, safety, and environmental sustainability of welding processes. This presentation delves into the integration of cutting-edge fume extraction technologies with robotic welding systems and automated welding machines. The implementation of advanced vision systems ensures the efficient tracking of weld seams, while automated inspection systems contribute to the meticulous quality control of welds and fume emissions. Collaborative welding robots (cobots) equipped with intelligent fume extraction features enhance worker safety and contribute to cleaner working environments. The presentation explores the significance of automated welding fixtures designed to optimize fume capture during welding operations. Through this lens, the presentation underscores the integral role of fume extraction in shaping the future of Automated Welding Technologies.
Bio: Duncan Beaumont, with 15+ years of industry experience, addresses North America's challenges by promoting healthier work environments for welders. Duncan leverages his expertise and passion for high-performance welding equipment to engineer innovative clean-air solutions. Duncan assists the Welding & Fabrication Sector in selecting and implementing air quality solutions, ensuring alignment with company goals and compliance with evolving regulations. His focus on balancing health, safety, and economic needs drives impactful results.
Revolutionizing Welding Excellence: Automated Technologies and Intelligent Fume Extraction SystemsJune 13th : 3:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
André Boulianne

CWB Electrode Certification – Extent of Qualification
Target audience: Engineers, technicians, inspectors, welding supervisors, welders, project managers, and buyers. Anyone involved in welding, where quality requirements are imposed by CSA Standards, and/or specifications referring to CSA Standards.
Key learnings: Review of CWB certification process for welding consumables, and the extent of qualification.
Abstract: An overview of the CWB certification process for welding consumables will be discussed, along with the limitations on the extent of their qualifications. Topics include the range of shielding gas compositions, diameter ranges, point of manufacture – electrodes, wires and fluxes, private labels, and equivalencies.
Bio: André Boulianne is the manager of the CWB Procedures and Electrodes Certification department. André graduated from École Polytechnique of Montréal with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He is an IIW International Welding Engineer and a level III welding inspector (CSA W178.2). With over 30 years of experience at CWB, André has been involved in all aspects of welding certification at CWB. He is also an active member in multiple technical committees, including CSA W48, AWS A5, ISO TC 44/SC 3, and AWS D1 sub-committees.
CWB Electrodes Certification – Extent of QualificationJune 12th : 3:15 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Ryan Boyd

A Roadmap to Implementing Robotic or Automated Material Removal in Metalworking Operations
Target audience: Industrial end-users, Manufacturing Engineers, Process Engineers, Shop Floor Supervisors, process engineers, automation teams, industrial automation system integrators, and business owners
Key learnings: Attendees will gain a better understanding of the many benefits of automating their operations in addition to how to assess readiness and evaluate requirements when looking at automation and robotics. Attendees will also learn about the rest of the process, including setting objectives and selecting the right technology, testing and integration, training, and ongoing maintenance. Attendees will further understand what to consider in how to tie down stream processes (post-welding) into an existing or developing automation plan, and how automating the post-weld work can free up their welding resources (human or robotic) to increase throughput in the most value-add parts of the operation, versus the dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks.
Abstract: Implementing robotic solutions for material removal in metalworking operations represents a transformative leap toward enhanced efficiency, precision, and safety. Traditional material removal processes in metalworking, such as grinding, polishing, and deburring, often involve manual labor, posing risks to worker safety and inconsistencies in quality. Robotic solutions address these challenges by automating these tasks, offering a more reliable and repeatable approach.
This session discusses the many benefits of implementing automated or robotic solutions and walks industrial end-users, shop floor supervisors and business owners though how to assess readiness, evaluate requirements, and set objectives, as well as selecting the right technology, designing the system, testing and integration, training, and ongoing maintenance.
Bio: Through his nine years working at WALTER in various product and commercialization roles, Ryan Boyd has developed a thorough knowledge of the objectives and realities of industrial end users. His strong relationships with customers and his awareness of new industry trends and standards enable him to successfully spearhead the development of new solutions and comprehensive support strategies. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University.
A Roadmap to Implementing Robotic or Automated Material Removal in Metalworking OperationsJune 12th : 3:15 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Jim Brown

The Business of Welding: Navigating Trends and Challenges
Target audience: Project Managers, Construction Managers, Welding Supervisors, HR Recruitment
Key learnings: With the volume of projects OPG is pursuing, we face challenges in recruiting highly skilled welding personnel while maintaining a strict adherence to code requirements. We will share our minimum threshold of acceptance and how we build upon it, through training to set up our welding personnel for success.
Abstract: This presentation explores the evolving landscape of the welding industry within the energy sector. With energy demand on the rise, and as the sector continues to expand, welding skills will be in high demand. Welders play a critical role in fabricating, maintaining, and repairing the intricate systems underpinning energy production, distribution, and storage infrastructure. We'll discuss key trends, challenges, and market factors shaping the industry. By understanding these dynamics, stakeholders can better navigate the complexities of this vital sector.
Bio: Jim Brown’s portfolio is Darlington Refurbishment project, the largest clean energy project in Canada and the groundbreaking Small Modular Reactor project at Darlington. He been with OPG for over seventeen years and is currently focused on driving sustainable Construction activities across the entire Enterprise Projects portfolio to support Ontario Power Generations vision of Electrifying Life in a Generation. In addition to his role in OPG, Jim also serves as a Governor on the Board at Durham College.
Jim’s experience has led him to a leadership role to deliver on the strategy for skilled trade demand to support future construction projects iOPG will be undertaking as part of the Pathways to Decarbonization initiatives. He’s currently involved in OPG/EPSCA Nuclear Project Committee, OPG’s New To Nuclear (NTN) program, works directly with the Provincial Building Trades of Ontario supporting ‘Tomorrow’s Trades’
Jim is a structural engineer and prior to joining OPG, he designed and worked on several construction projects for 6 years.
The Business of Welding: Navigating Trends and ChallengesJune 13th : 11:45 am
Room: Sutherland 3-5
Daniele Calista

A Novel Approach to Solving the ERW Weld Zone
Target audience: Engineers, welding engineers, welding educators
Key learnings: The actual vee length in electric resistance welding (ERW) is dependent on system geometry and process parameters. At low heat inputs, the process sees minimal melting; then, the vee length is determined by system geometry. As heat input increases, the process observes unsteady ejection of molten material; thus, causing the vee length to increase as a function of system geometry and process parameters. The amount of ejected material and/or amount of vee extension has been reported to largely contribute to ERW defects.
Abstract: Since ERW is a complex and multi-physical process, understanding each of the occurring mechanisms is crucial to further understand which ones contribute to penetrator defects. At the heart of ERW, and thus penetrators, is the heat distribution with the process’ vee. This overarching thesis work seeks to develop a useful set of equations that model the heat distribution in ERW with a minimum required accuracy over a large range of process parameters. While increasing heat input has been directly correlated to penetrators, the connection between the two is not direct. One significant phenomenon that links heat input to penetrators is the evolution of a narrow gap, or vee length extension, at the process’ weld point. This gap is thought to be a result of intense electromagnetic forces ejecting molten material out of the vee prior to squeezing. The current heat model has been revised to capture the effects of this time-dependent metal ejection in ERW, building upon previous work from Prof. Mendez and Prof. Prisco. While capturing these phenomena, the model has the novel power to predict the exact behaviour of the vee length extension, and thus entire heat distribution, and has been validated with published full-scale mill data from independent sources.
Key Words: ERW, welding modelling, oxide inclusions, penetrators, narrow gap, temperature distribution, ablation
Bio: Daniele (Daniel) is currently a PhD candidate at the Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining (CCWJ). He holds a BSc degree in Materials Engineering Co-op from the University of Alberta and is currently a PhD candidate. Prior to graduate studies, he gained experience as a project designer in both the pipeline industry and the automotive sector. Daniele started his research in late 2022, with the goal of understanding the multi-physical nature of electric resistance welding (ERW) defects. His research specifically focuses on the ERW process’ weld zone and a universally common defect problem in ERW, known as penetrators.
A Novel Approach to Solving the ERW Weld ZoneJune 12th : 2:45 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Paul Cheng

Joining Nuclear Fuel Rod to End Cap w/ no Flaw Repeatable
Key learnings: Welding ultra-thin (0.5 mm) Zirconium using fins and heat transfer is new science. Concept can be applied to other difficult to weld geometries.
Target audience: Nuclear fuel manufacturers (Orano, Framatome, GE, KEPCO, Mitsubishi etc.) Specialty welding companies (Liburdi, Lincoln, Miller, Framatome, Serimax, Swagelok etc.)
Abstract: Weld integrity of fuel rod to end cap has improved dramatically over the past several decades. Published ‘touch up’ rate is less than 0.1%. But with SMR the number of fuel rods required globally will rise absolutely. 0.1% per million rods equals possible failures of 1,000; location and timing of failure is uncertain.
All rods are joined at the shoulder using high energy, GTAW or induction. FuseRing proposes a different approach. Instead of joining tubing to end cap at the shoulder where all forms of stress are concentrated, take the welded joint and stress away from the shoulder. Technique is a series of fins around end cap body, heat fins to hot working temperature in an inert environment, push into Zirc4 tubing and turn.
Once fins are at hot working temperature, when push into tubing, fins will bend and slide into tubing. The turn / shear will act to shear fusion line, ensuring fine grained bonding. Experiment is an attempt to show that tips will bond to ID of wall but only the first few atomic layers. There is no attempt to disturb the outer wall of tubing. Plug body will act as heat reservoir to enable bonding. Proof of concept.
FuseRing demo #2 (Fuel rod to end cap) is being assembled at Sorsys Technologies, Mississauga. Zirc4 tubing and fuel rods supplied by Cameco. Power unit donated by Dr. Adrian Gerlich, U Waterloo. Induction coils supplied by Radyne. Expecting preliminary sample welds mid March 2024.
Bio: Paul Chang worked as an O&G exploration consultant in Algeria, China, U.S. to off shore Peru. He retired from Saudi Aramco in 2016. He received the first patent in 2017. Now 6 USPTO on solid state welding. Cooperating w/ industry to build demo equipment for further proof of concept. Paul lives with his wife of 30+ years in London, Ontario.
Joining Nuclear Fuel Rod to End Cap w/ no Flaw RepeatableJune 13th : 3:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Hellen Christodoulou

Welding Steel Before and After Galvanizing (Best Practices & Recommendations)
Target Audience: Welding supervisors, Engineers, Inspectors, Technologists and Owners
Key Learnings: An overall understanding of specific considerations, proper guidelines, best practices, recommended for welding steel pre or post galvanization.
Abstract: Designers opt for galvanization as the corrosion protection system for structural steel fabrication since it ultimately provides the most sustainable solution with the lowest carbon footprint. The welding of steel prior to or after galvanization is common, both are compatible with the objective of providing excellent corrosion protection. The processes, however, involve specific considerations, recommended as best practices, to ensure the viability of both the structural integrity and the intended corrosion protection.
It is key to reiterate some of the key considerations for the proper preparation and the importance of adherence to guidelines, which are essential for the successful welding of pre or post galvanized steel. Further outlined will be the proper welding practices before galvanizing and how they play a significant role in eliminating distortion. In addition, some hints about how welded surfaces can be regalvvanized. A targeted review of some examples of varying welding projects with specific requirements will illustrate how the best practices can be applied by proper planning and execution.
Biography: Hellen Christodoulou brings over 40 years of experience in the field of bridges and major bridge structures across Canada and the US, in the conceptualization, design, rehabilitation and supervision of major bridge projects, including superstructure and infrastructure design. She has worked with CP Rail, Chief Engineering Bridges, major Engineering and construction entities, and all levels of government and was the National Director for the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. She is considered a leading court expert in the field of forensic analysis of bridge and large infrastructure projects and an expert in sustainable construction.
Hellen graduated in civil engineering with specialization in bridges and a holder of several degrees and distinctions, which include a PhD in Civil Engineering, a degree in Civil and Common Law and a master’s in business administration (MBA). The author of many articles, a presenter, and an active participant at national and international conferences, and instructor of engineering and law courses, she remains an active member of technical, and construction industry committees, and a member of several advisory boards across Canada.
In 2017, and on behalf of the Senate of Canada, the Senate Sesquicentennial Medal was conferred to Hellen, for her service and dedication to the profession and in commemoration of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Senate of Canada and in recognition to her valuable service to the nation, by Senator Rosa Galvez.
Welding Steel Before and After Galvanizing (Best Practices & Recommendations)June 12th : 10:00 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Jen Coulson

How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace Cultures
This panel discussion will address the current state of workplace cultures and the unique challenges women face while highlighting the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in fostering innovative and resilient work environments. Let’s explore strategies for how employers can implement a supportive atmosphere for women and practical solutions for how professional associations can help support leadership training and mentorship programs.
Bio: Jen started her journey in the metal recycling industry in 2015. Jen has a well-defined focus on the industrial business primarily in automotive. Constantly forward thinking in innovation and continuous improvements. Joining the AWMI Toronto Chapter in 2022, and becoming a board member in 2024. Jen has volunteered at events and co-lead a multi-facility tour at Triple M Metal for members in 2023. Providing a closed loop insight into the metals industry. Jen is honoured to stand and work along side such amazing individuals in the industry. Currently representing as the treasurer for the AWMI Toronto Chapter. She is passionate about acquiring fresh perspective from achieved leaders. Jen is strongly calling for women’s energetic involvement in the metals industry.
Women's Panel- How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace CulturesJune 13th : 12:30 pm
FABTECH Main-stage
Mark Fernandes

CSA Structural Design and Welding Requirements
Target audience: Design Engineers, Project Managers, Procurement and Supply Chain Staff, Quality Engineers, and Supervisors. The meeting aims to raise awareness of the Canadian Welding Standards with the Building Codes and CWB Certification.
Key learnings: Overview of the welding standards used for the design, welding and CWB certification programs for structures built to meet Canadian municipal, provincial, and federal building codes, bridges, occupational health and safety codes, specifications, and regulations.
Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to provide attendees with a summary of the welding requirements for Design, Welding Standards, and Certification for Structures. The Canadian Welding Bureau is the sole administrator of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) welding certification programs for companies performing welding on projects that must follow building, bridge, or other client-specified Canadian codes or standards.
The presentation will explain the connection between the CSA welding certification programs and Canadian building codes that are filtered through the design and fabrication standards. It will also outline the welding certification requirements and help attendees identify if these requirements are being met by welding fabricators and erectors. At the end of the presentation, we will present some examples of welding deficiencies, and risks involved when using non-certified CWB organizations and suggest the next steps required to address them.
Bio: Mark Fernandes is the Manager of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) at CWB. As an experienced professional with a strong background in the welding industry, Mark provides technical support, demonstrating the values of Canadian-made welding certification, and promotes the adoption of welding standards across Canada to engineering firms, procurement and quality departments, and the construction industry.
CSA Structural Design and Welding RequirementsJune 12th : 11:15 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Jay Flowers

How can Process Monitoring and Quality Assurance for Laser Joining be Improved?
Target audience: Laser Welding and Joining Engineers, Technicians, Welding Supervisors, Production Planners
Key learnings: Learn how to use AI Deep Learning Technology for laser brazing and laser welding quality control, to improve efficiency, reduce scrap and improve Laser Optic Cover Glass Maintenance.
Abstract: Please join us for an interesting case study presentation for joining professionals: In-process quality monitoring for laser brazing with an AI approach, finding smallest pores and defects at Ford Cologne Body and Assembly Plant.
To stay competitive, manufacturing facilities must continue to get smarter and more efficient. Artificial Intelligence technology is proving to be the key factor in driving optimum performance and improved quality in product manufacturing. Combined with high-speed Intelligent Laser Optics with real time integrated process monitoring, the Smart Factory is teaching itself. Accurate Data Driven Decisions can now be made by production equipment itself, minimizing human decision making, and thus improving process control.
Biography: Jay Flowers is a Laser Welding and Brazing Expert with Scansonic, a global company specializing in development and production of Laser welding, brazing, cutting and hardening optics. Mr. Flowers has 30 years’ experience in Laser Welding, Dimensional Metrology and Process Control. Mr. Flowers is currently part of Scansonic Berlin's AI development/applications team for Laser welding and Brazing process monitoring, defect detection and predictive maintenance.
How can Process Monitoring and Quality Assurance for Laser Joining be Improved? June 12th : 1:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Scott Fong

Considerations for the Successful Execution of High-Temperature Local Heat Treatment
Target audience: Engineers, supervisors, inspectors, Q/C or planners involved in plant maintenance, fabrication or repair of high alloy piping.
Key learnings: The purpose of this presentation is to help raise awareness of these specialty High-Temperature Local Heat Treatment Applications and to ensure that the planning and execution go smoothly and don’t lead to unintended consequences like further equipment damage or project delays.
Abstract: With many Petrochemical and Power Generation facilities being pushed past their original designed life span, these facilities have been running into unique repair situations requiring High-Temperature Local Heat Treatment Applications (i.e. Solution Annealing) more frequently.
For this talk we will be defining High-Temperature Local Heat Treatment as being in situ applications that exceed 1500F, which is generally accepted as the upper limit of Post Weld Heat Treatment. I will discuss areas of consideration around Equipment Power Supplies, Consumable Selection, workpiece support, distortion avoidance and expansion.
Bio: As a Journeyman Welder, Pressure Equipment Inspector and Field Heat Treatment Technician, Scott has worked Turn Arounds and Projects Coast to Coast in Canada for 20+ years. He concurrently held 6 API Inspection Certificates as well as In-service Boiler/Pressure vessel qualifications for Alberta and Saskatchewan. Scott was a founding member of the Field Heat Treatment Occupation Committee, and he became the very first Certified Field Heat Treatment Technician under the Occupation in Province of Alberta in August 2008. Currently working as the Director of Cooperheat Equipment ltd and is a member of the AWS D10 Subcommittee on Local Heat Treating of Pipework. Cooperheat, founded in 1956, is widely regarded as the pioneer in Field Heat Treatment Services and Equipment Manufacturing. Their in-house engineering and training programs are world-renowned.
Considerations for the successful execution of High-Temperature Local Heat TreatmentJune 12th : 10:00 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Adrian P. Gerlich

Recent Developments in Welding of Transportation and Energy Materials
Target audience: Welding engineers, Researchers
Key learnings: The key issues in achieving high productivity and joint integrity with challenging materials such as high strength steel will be demonstrated. The capability of modern laser welding methods will be exhibited using examples relevant to real-life industrial problems.
Abstract: The increasing demands for material performance and welding productivity have driven new advances in welding process and filler materials. This presentation will showcase some of the main research directions and results that relate to welding of automotive materials and the energy sector such as pipelines and nuclear materials in the past year. For example, the use of laser welding to join advance high strength steels with low melting point braze materials has allowed excellent surface finish to be achieved in thin sheet joints. Also, the use of wobble laser welding was shown to improve alloy mixing in thick section joints. Future research directions will also be discussed as they relate to the nuclear energy sector.
Bio: Adrian Gerlich is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, and Director of the Centre for Advanced Materials Joining. Gerlich is an expert in materials science, microscopy, welding and material characterization. His most significant recent contributions are in the area of the joining of dissimilar materials and friction-stir welding. Gerlich has led a research team of an average of 10 research associates and graduate students; he has secured more than $3.7M in operational funding and $5M in infrastructure for welding and materials processing. He has over 230 publications in peer-reviewed journals, and been recognized by the American Welding Society on multiple instances, including the Professor Koichi Masubuchi Award and Adams Memorial Membership Award.
Recent Developments in Welding of Transportation and Energy MaterialsJune 13th : 8:15 am
Room: Sutherland 3-5
George Gritziotis

Organized Construction Sector Strategic Workforce Planning System (Skilled Trade Demand/Supply Forecasting Program)
Target audience: Owner Companies (Buyers of Construction Services), Construction Contractors (Coordinators of Construction Services), Organized Labour (Providers of Construction Services)
Key learnings: Leveraging strategic partnerships and data-driven insights, the tool will ensure the skilled labour force is aligned with the construction industry's evolving demands. The ongoing development and refinement of this workforce planning tool are essential for maintaining Ontario's construction sector's competitiveness, innovation, and capacity to meet future infrastructure challenges.
Abstract: The organized sector currently undertakes a significant amount of the construction project work within Ontario. The available capacity will become far more challenging as the Infrastructure Ontario transitions to the post-secondary sector, hospitals, and long-term care centers.
For the buyers (owners) of construction and maintenance services, it is critical that there is available capacity to bid, plan, manage, build, and maintain the increasing requirement for public and private infrastructure. An important part of this is the availability of skilled trades, qualified supervisors, project managers, and senior management.
Conclusions: A customized skilled trade demand/supply forecast will deliver significant advantages to Ontario’s efforts to build much needed infrastructure, such as:
• Better scheduling of major construction, refurbishment, and maintenance activities.
• Increased apprenticeship registrations and completions determined by industry needs.
• Targeted training requirements that build a workforce aligned with provincial priorities.
• Stronger partnerships within industry and in influencing government policy and programs to address tight skilled trade markets, such as immigration policies.
• Improved worker mobility though identification of present and future skilled labour needs.
Bio: George Gritziotis has over 25 years of leadership experience in strategic development and operational implementation, board governance and structures, and overall organizational development across a range of private and public sectors. He is the former CEO of the Ontario College of Trades, where he provided executive leadership for an apprenticeship agency mandated to protect the public by regulating and promoting the value of certified skilled trades.
Prior to that, Gritziotis was associate deputy minister with the Ministry of Labour and chief prevention officer for the province of Ontario. He successfully led the development of Ontario’s first integrated occupational health and safety strategy to guide the province’s prevention activities through the Ministry of Labour, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and Ontario’s health and safety associations. He was also appointed by the Minister of Labour to chair a review of emerging issues affecting workplace health and safety in underground mines, which resulted in new mining regulations to improve health and safety outcomes.
Gritziotis earned his Master of Business Administration at the University of Ottawa, and an honours BA in economics at Concordia University in Montreal. He has completed executive programs at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, Queen's University's Executive Development Centre, and Banff Executive Leadership Inc. He’s also an alumnus of the Governor General’s Canadian Study Conference, 2000.
Organized Construction Sector Strategic Workforce Planning System (Skilled Trade Demand/Supply Forecasting Program)June 12th : 10:45 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Hasan Habib

Integrating 3G Advanced High Strength Steel into Automotive Production – Development of High-Quality Joints with High Stacking Ratio
Target audience: Welding researchers, engineers, and students.
Key learning: It highlights the optimization of resistance spot welding for dissimilar third-generation advanced high-strength steel sheets, integrating artificial intelligence for enhanced process efficiency.
Keywords: Advanced high strength steels (AHSS), Resistance spot welding (RSW), Tensile shear strength (TSS), Cross-tensile strength (CTS), Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Abstract: In automotive sector, there are continual innovations for lighter and stronger materials to reduce emissions while maintaining passenger safety is a key priority. Incorporating third-generation advanced high-strength steels (3G-AHSS) into the vehicle body-in-white (BIW) using resistance spot welding (RSW) is a promising solution. The present work focuses on joining dissimilar 3G-AHSS sheets with different thicknesses ranging from 0.65 mm to 2.4 mm, and various tensile strengths ranging from 270 to 2,000 MPa, that are welded in both three- and four-sheet lap joints. The main goal is to achieve optimal nugget penetration in thin sheet and growth across all sheets while maintaining a robust process and high joint quality. To accomplish this, first, the operating windows for the RSW process were developed, specifying the range of welding parameters appropriate for each sheet combination. The mechanical performance and failure behavior of the RSW joints are then evaluated under shear and tensile loading conditions using tensile shear strength (TSS) and cross-tensile strength (CTS) tests. This work also incorporates Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict optimal parameters for various sheet combinations and automate the analysis of metallographic data. This novel method paves the way for a dependable and consistently successful RSW process for these challenging materials.
Bio: Hasan Habib is a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He is researching the complexities of joining third-generation advanced high-strength steels (3G-AHSS) through resistance spot welding (RSW) for the automotive sector. He holds B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Automotive Engineering. He has a few years of experience as a mechanical engineer, and in his most recent job role at a software development company, he was responsible for the design and development of electromechanical systems.
Integrating 3G Advanced High Strength Steel into Automotive Production – Development of High-Quality Joints with High Stacking RatioJune 13th : 2:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Ebrahim Harati

Efficient Welding of High Strength Steels in Regard with Static and Fatigue Strength
Target audience: All individuals involved in the welding industry, particularly welding engineers, researchers, and educators in the fields of material science and welding.
Keywords: Welding, high strength steels, fatigue strength, static strength, dilution
Key Learnings:
• Gain an appreciation for the advantages of using high-strength steels over lower strength alternatives.
• Understand the main challenges associated with welding high-strength steels and strategies for overcoming these challenges.
• Recognize the impact of varying degrees of dilution on weld static strength.
• Learn about current methods for improving fatigue life and their effects on the fatigue life of welds in high-strength steel welds.
Abstract: In the ongoing quest for a more sustainable world, the importance of making heavy constructions lighter cannot be understated. Weight reduction, especially in industries like automotive manufacturing, holds the potential to increase payload capacity, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions. To attain lighter yet robust structures, high-strength steels (HSS) with yield strengths above 700 MPa are indispensable. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of several research projects conducted on the topic of welding high-strength steels. These investigations were carried out at University West, Sweden, in collaboration with industrial partners over recent years. The initial section of the paper introduces main challenges when welding HSS and presents remedies to overcome these issues. Secondly it focuses on findings related to static strength, emphasizing the impact of dilution of filler material with fused base material in welds of steels with yield strengths of 700 MPa and 1100 MPa. Additionally, the paper presents findings on the fatigue properties of welds in high-strength steels ranging from yield strengths of 700 MPa to 1300 MPa. Various fatigue enhancement methods, including high-frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) treatment, utilization of Low Transformation Temperature (LTT) consumables, and shot peening, are examined for their effects on the fatigue life of these welds.
Bio: Ebrahim Harati earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in Material Science and Engineering in Iran. In 2017, he obtained his Ph.D. in Production Technology with a specialization in Welding from University West in Sweden, followed by a post-doctoral position at the same institution. Subsequently, he joined ITW Welding AB, a globally renowned company in manufacturing welding consumables and welding machines. During his tenure there, he served as the R&D Manager for stick electrodes for more than five years.
In September 2023, Ebrahim transitioned to the academic realm and joined the University West as an Assistant Professor in the Welding Technology Division. His primary research focus encompasses Welding and Additive Manufacturing of steels. Beyond research, He actively contributes to teaching various courses in both Bachelor's and Master's programs. Notable courses include Welding Metallurgy of Steels and Welding Processes. Additionally, he holds the position of Program Director for the vocational school in Welding Automation at University West.
Efficient welding of high strength steels in regard with static and fatigue strengthJune 12th : 2:45 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Will Healy II

An Introduction to the Modern Collaborative Welding Tool: Elevate Your Technology Strategy & Upgrade Your Workforce in Fabrication with Cobots
Areas of Focus: Welding workforce, market trends, welding automation, real-world case studies, collaborative robotics, business & financial ROI considerations, project best practices
Target audience: Leadership at Small to Mid-size manufacturers, mid-level managers in large corporations, welders, metal fabricators, welding engineers, production engineers, manufacturing engineers, business management
Key learnings:
• Understand how collaborative robots are elevating productivity, fostering product consistency, and enhancing employee retention in the metal fabrication industry.
• Review the challenges facing Canadian fabricators and how others are overcoming these roadblocks.
• Explore how these collaborative welding tools are positively impacting business leaders and fabricators, with real-world case studies.
• Discover how operations leaders can quickly leverage this established technology into new applications like MIG welding, laser welding, grinding, spot welding, plasma cutting, TIG welding, thermal spraying, material handling, and more!
Abstract: Metal fabrication has undergone a substantial transformation with the introduction of automation, most recently with collaborative robots, or cobots. Rather than replacing human labor, collaborative robotic systems support fabricators by enhancing productivity, upholding exceptional work quality, and boosting worker engagement. But with rising material & labor costs, and challenges with recruiting & retaining workers, manufacturing leaders are struggling. Many turn to traditional automation as the answer but the inflexibility and high upfront investment are tough to justify. Luckily, cobots are at the forefront of the robotics trend and are experiencing a noteworthy evolution across the entire fabshop from stamping to bending to cutting & especially in welding. In this session, we will share case studies from real-world fab shops that are leveraging the value cobots bring to the production floor. And then we will discuss how operations leaders can quickly leverage this established technology into new applications like MIG welding, laser welding, grinding, spot welding, plasma cutting, TIG welding, thermal spraying, material handling, and more! In a fun and fast format, we’ll wrap with how to make a successful automation decision and provide a clear action plan for your automation journey that can be followed regardless of your starting point.
Relevant markets: Yellow goods, HVAC equipment, energy generation & transmission equipment, ship building, metal fabricators, commercial products, automotive tier suppliers, oil and gas, infrastructure, construction
Bio: Will Healy III is enthusiastic about manufacturing, technology and workforce. A Purdue University mechanical engineer who loves to share his passion for automation, Will is a global leader at Universal Robots and with the Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) in Cincinnati, Ohio. He speaks from personal experience about people-centric technology investments, managing culture change, bridging the skills gap and creating value through automation. With more than 20 years of experience in a variety of industries; Will is widely published, is an in-demand panelist and presents internationally at a variety of industry conferences. Follow Will on social at WillAutomate.
An Introduction to the Modern Collaborative Welding Tool: Elevate Your Technology Strategy & Upgrade Your Workforce in Fabrication with CobotsJune 12th : 10:45 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Ashiqur Khan

Laser Beam Welding Procedure Qualification
Target audience: Engineers, technicians, inspectors, welding supervisors, welders, project managers, and buyers. Anyone involved in welding, where quality requirements are imposed by CSA Standards, and/or specifications referring to CSA Standards.
Key learnings: Overview of welding procedures, welder, and welding operator qualification requirements for laser beam welding under CSA W47.1 (steel) and CSA W47.2 (aluminum).
Abstract: Handheld laser beam welding machines are becoming increasingly popular and are widely used by various fabricators. Laser beam welding procedures qualification process under CSA W47.1 (steel) and CSA W47.2 (aluminum) will be explored in this presentation. Essential variables in established standards will be reviewed with possible implications for the extent of the procedure qualification tests. Requirements for welder and welding operator qualification will be discussed.
Bio: Ashiqur Khan is the supervisor of the CWB Procedures Approval department. Ashiqur graduated from McMaster University in Hamilton, ON with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in manufacturing engineering. He is a level II welding inspector (CSA W178.2). With over 10 years of experience at CWB, Ashiqur has been involved in all aspects of welding certification at CWB.
Laser Beam Welding Procedure QualificationJune 12th : 2:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Zahra Khodamoradi

GMAW of Inconel 686 on Stainless Steel: Welding Parameter Effects on Residual Stress and Distortion
Keywords: Inconel 686, Stainless steel, Welding, Residual stress, Distortion
Abstract: This study investigated the impact of welding parameters on residual stress (RS) and distortion during automatic gas metal arc welding (GMAW) of Inconel 686 onto stainless steel plates. To systematically evaluate this, travel speed, voltage, wire feed speed, amperage, and heat input were varied across fourteen 6-inch square plates. Distortion was measured using a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), while Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) was employed to quantify RS. Our results demonstrate that an increase in heat input from 10.55 KJ.in-1 to 17.81 KJ.in-1 led to a corresponding increase in residual stress. In a ½ overlap weld, maximum RS reached 200 MPa (σx) and 800 MPa (σy). A similar trend was observed in 1/3 overlap welds, with maximum RS values reaching 400 MPa in both directions. Furthermore, samples exhibiting high RS also displayed more significant distortion. However, our findings indicate a complex correlation between welding parameters and distortion, suggesting the absence of a simple, direct relationship between these variables.
These results underscore the critical importance of carefully controlling welding parameters to minimize RS and distortion. Such understanding is vital for optimizing welding processes in industrial settings, promoting weld integrity, and ensuring optimal component performance.
GMAW of Inconel 686 on Stainless Steel: Welding Parameter Effects on Residual Stress and DistortionJune 12th : 11:15 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Nitheesh Kumar Ramasamy

Determination of Bead Dimensions and Catchment Efficiency in Laser Cladding
Target audience: Welding Engineers, Laser Cladding practitioners, Researchers
Key learning: Mathematical expressions for prediction of dimensions and catchment efficiency of a clad bead from process parameters of great generality in a laser cladding procedure, using an improved model assuming gaussian distribution for laser power and powder flow and with an expression for thermal efficiency which takes into account the shadowing due to the powder cloud.
Keywords: Isotherm width, Thermal Efficiency, Blending, Powder cloud
Abstract: The geometry of the clad bead in a laser cladding procedure is critical in determining a lot of necessary information. To ensure dimensional accuracy and efficient operation, it is crucial to forecast the size and the fraction of material powders that contribute to the clad bead. By providing practitioners with practical expressions for predicting these, the time and expertise required in multiple trials and numerical modeling can be avoided. This presentation discusses mathematical expressions developed based on analytical modeling for predictions using known process parameters. Effective thermo-physical properties for the calculations are determined through computational tools and their variation with temperature is considered. An expression for the thermal efficiency to consider the shadowing effect of the powder cloud is proposed. An improved analytical estimation of catchment efficiency based on proper integration of mass flow over the surface of the weld pool is introduced, assuming a gaussian distribution for the laser power and the powder flow with the same distribution parameters. The error of predictions on width and catchment efficiency is within the range of ± 10%, except for the cases of the low power and higher travel speed domains. Predictions on the bead height show huge deviations.
Bio: Nitheesh holds a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from India and is currently a Master’s Student pursuing his MSc in Materials Engineering with the Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining, University of Alberta. He was a part of the CCWJ lab as a research intern through the MITACS program, focusing on the mathematical modeling of laser cladding.
Determination of Bead Dimensions and Catchment Efficiency in Laser CladdingJune 13th : 10:30 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Joyce Lam

The Hydrogen Economy vs. Standards & Regulations – A Practical Perspective
Target audience: Fabricators, engineers, welding supervisors, welders, quality inspectors, owners, technologists
Key learnings: What is the hydrogen economy along with what guidance is provided by existing Codes and regulations?
Abstract: Due to federal government policies regarding climate change, a steep transition from coal, oil and/or gas to more environmentally friendly alternatives for power generation has been imposed across Canada. It is predicted that hydrogen will play a significant role in the energy transition. The Government of Alberta has recognized the potential and opportunities provided by the hydrogen economy and released an “Alberta Hydrogen Map” to show provincial commitment to decarbonize the economy and capitalize on Alberta as a leader in the emerging clean hydrogen economy. To be successful, several gaps and challenges must be addressed, including standards and regulations.
The presentation focuses on a practical approach to ensure safe and reliable pressure systems by taking a hard look at the existing requirements in the ASME Code and engineering design, and the best practices to be implemented, maintained, and controlled during material procurement, fabrication, and installation of pressure systems for the hydrogen economy.
Bio: Joyce Lam is a Welding Engineer, and a Quality Professional (CWB Level II, ABSA Welding Examiner) with PCL. Ms. Lam has more than 12 years of experience in industrial construction and design. She has been actively involved in the development of welding procedures for a variety of processes, materials, and applications. Joyce has contributed to numerous conference presentations, journal papers, and in-house training programs.
The Hydrogen Economy vs. Standards & Regulations – A Practical PerspectiveJune 12th : 1:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Marissa McMurray

How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace Cultures
This panel discussion will address the current state of workplace cultures and the unique challenges women face while highlighting the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in fostering innovative and resilient work environments. Let’s explore strategies for how employers can implement a supportive atmosphere for women and practical solutions for how professional associations can help support leadership training and mentorship programs.
Bio: Marissa McMurray is the Regional Communications Manager, USA for Hatch and serves as International Marketing Chair for the Association of Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI). She started her career in the metals industry over 8 years ago at SMS group Inc., where she excelled at various marketing and communications roles. Before making the jump to metals, Marissa honed her skills in marketing, communications, and event planning within the property management and real estate industries. Marissa’s dedication to AWMI is evident through her progressive roles, starting as Programs Chair, then advancing to Vice President and President of the Pittsburgh Chapter, before joining the International Board in 2024.
Women's Panel- How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace CulturesJune 13th : 12:30 pm
FABTECH Main-stage
Patricio Mendez

Voltage and Heat Input in Arc Welding
Target audience: Welders, welding supervisors, and engineers.
Key learnings: Negative polarity on the electrode ("Straight polarity,” or electrode negative) gives more deposition rate (except in GTAW). Positive polarity on the electrode (“Reverse polarity” or electrode positive, typical in GMAW) gives more penetration. In the case of GTAW it can melt the tungsten. Longer stickout in wire processes results in higher deposition. AC polarity can balance penetration and deposition rate.
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the deposition rate, and penetration in arc welding. What we call “Voltage” during welding is in reality the combination of many voltages. Voltage loss is not proportional through the arc, with the largest fraction of voltage drop concentrated at the electrode surface and the
plate surface. Polarity, pulsing, shielding gas selection, and flux chemistry have much influence on these voltages; and understanding them will help answer the questions such as “why DCEP in GTAW can melt the tungsten?”, “why AC can result in higher deposition rate in SAW and GMAW?”, “why does reverse polarity increase penetration in stick welding?”, and “why 6010 works with DCEP and 6011 with AC?”
Ultimately, it will be clear that there is much more than heat input to make sense of arc welding. The good news is that a few additional concepts can help make sense of most of it.
Bio: Professor Patricio Mendez is the Weldco/Industry Chair in Welding and Joining and Director of the Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining at the University of Alberta. His teaching and research focus on physics and mathematics of welding and materials processing, including heat transfer, magnetohydrodynamics, arc plasma, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Applications include wear protection for mining, and oil extraction, alloy development, procedure development, new welding processes such as laser
cladding, casting, solidification, and direct metal additive manufacturing using semisolid processing. Before joining the University of Alberta in January 2009, he taught and researched at the Colorado School of Mines. Before that, he was a consulting engineer at Exponent Inc. In 1995 Dr. Mendez co-founded Semi-Solid Technologies Inc. in Cambridge, MA. Prof. Mendez holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. degree in Materials Engineering MIT, and a Mechanical Engineer degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He is a Fellow of the AWS and the CWA. Awards include, UofA Outstanding Mentorship in Undergraduate Research, AWS William Irrgang Award, IIW Kenneth Easterling Award, the ASM Brian Ives Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the MIT Rocca Fellowship, and UBA Research Fellowship. He has 89 indexed publications, and 10 patents.
Voltage and Heat Input in Arc WeldingJune 12th : 8:15 am
Room: Sutherland 3-5
Ernst Miklos

New Approaches to Control GMAW Welding Fumes: Research Results, Regulatory Foresight, Business Sustainability
Target audience: Welding engineers and professionals using GMAW/FCAW/MCAW; production facility responsible managers; OSH inspectors; OSH experts active in standardization, regulation or consultancy; welding R&D experts exploring more effective control measures against welding fume risks.
Key learnings: To achieve more effective control on welding fumes in GMAW it is helpful to combine industrially well-established technical fume extraction with newer substitution type of measures which can reduce fume emission directly at their source: in the welding arc. This procedure is aligned with the “OSH hierarchy of control” described in multiple national regulatory information.
Abstract: GMAW, FCAW, MCAW are the most frequent arc welding processes used by a global population of welders estimated at approx. 11 million. Along with unique benefits, these welding arcs unfortunately can also emit hazardous fumes (particles), which have recently gained increased attention mainly for 2 reasons:
- Exposure measurements in welding workshops indicate that still many workplaces exceed existing OELs, despite technical measures like local fume extraction and room ventilation.
- IARC reclassified welding fumes as carcinogenic to humans in 2018, triggering OSH authorities to revisit existing regulations and consider additional measures to protect workers.
The call for new or additional prevention measures with higher efficiency was received by a welding industry which needs to evolve competitive against other joining technologies.
Linde has researched welding fume generation mechanism in the GMAW arc and understood the variables affecting fume emission rates (FER). While the FER data collected in the lab under standard conditions is unambiguous, the impact on exposure in a realistic welding workplace was still missing. In 2023 the German OSH insurance agency conducted first time ever a comparative exposure measurement, to quantify indicatively the benefit of a welding gas optimization on the welding fume exposure, incl. Mn exposure. This presentation bridges scientific findings, FER measurement data to indicative exposure trends. A brief on EU regulatory evolution and welding industry reactions is rounding it up.
Bio: Ernst Miklos has over 35 years of experience in technical, business development and managerial roles. While arc welding was in his permanent focus, the diversity of Linde gas applications enabled insight to many technologies in manufacturing and beyond: from acetylene flames to Laser processing, from thermal cutting to additive manufacturing, from metals to plastics, everywhere process gases make a difference. Ernst graduated from Polytechnical Institute in Timisoara with a Master’s degree in Welding Technology and Equipment, he is an European Welding Engineer (EWE).
New Approaches to Control GMAW Welding Fumes: Research Results, Regulatory Foresight, Business Sustainability.June 13th : 10:00 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Carly Myers

Incorporating VR Technology Into Training Future Welders
Target audience: employers looking to train new apprentices; other post-secondary institutions.
Key learnings: Individuals will understand the benefits of utilising virtual welding machines to train students and apprentices prior to having them use welding equipment.
Abstract: Sheridan College’s welding certificate and diploma programs are leaping into the future of curriculum by incorporating virtual welders. This forward-thinking approach not only exposes students to cutting-edge technology but also eliminates consumables, booths, and reduces emissions. This presentation highlights the dual benefits for learners and institutions/employers, emphasizing safety, cost savings, and an enriched curriculum.
In terms of safety, virtual welders provide a risk-free environment, boosting learners' confidence while mitigating potential hazards associated with traditional welding. Financially, institutions can potentially save up to 20% per semester, as virtual welders eliminate the need for consumables and booths, concurrently reducing emissions. This cost-effective shift underscores a commitment to sustainability.
Moreover, the curriculum gains depth as students not only become proficient in welding techniques but also adept at navigating virtual simulations. Sheridan College's adoption of virtual welders signifies a transformative step towards safer, cost-effective, and technologically enriched welding education, aligning with modern industry demands.
Bio: Carly’s journey into the skilled trades began at a young age with her family's renovation business, where she developed a passion for welding. Initially welding structural steel, she expanded her focus to pipe and pressure vessel fabrication, spending four years at a custom fabrication shop before joining UA Local 67 and earning her Red Seal Certification. After working for ten years in the pipe trades, Carly pursued teaching at Sheridan College in 2018. Her dedication to innovative and inclusive education, combined with her hands-on experience, makes her a valuable mentor in the skilled trades.
Incorporating VR Technology Into Training Future WeldersJune 13th : 2:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Tam Nguyen

Unlocking Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)’s Potentials at Conestoga College
Target audience: All personnels who are interested in 3D-printing of large-scale metallic components.
Key learnings: The untapped potentials and the adoption of wire-arc additive manufacturing process to produce 3D metallic components.
Abstract: With a robotic system, Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process utilizes an electric arc to melt and deposit a wide range of engineering alloys forming near-net or net shaped components. The WAAM technology enables large-scale 3D printing of high-quality metallic components while offering design flexibility, and new material adoption as compared to traditional casting and forging processes. Unlike other additive manufacturing processes, the many years of experience and familiarity with robotic automation equipment will facilitate the adoption of WAAM process in industry. Since 2016, faculty and students at Conestoga College, School of Engineering and Technology, have undertaken a variety of research activities to unlock the potential of WAAM process. Some of their work in WAAM process development, material performance evaluation, CAD-to-Print, and final quality assessment will be showcased in this presentation.
Bio: Dr. C. Tam Nguyen is a Mechanical Systems Engineering professor at Conestoga College, School of Engineering and Technology. He has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, a P. Eng. and I.W.E designations. His areas of expertise are in welding, joining, materials processing, and manufacturing. He is also an associate member of the CSA W59.1 committee and works collaboratively with other researchers at other institutions.
Unlocking Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)’s Potentials at Conestoga CollegeJune 13th : 2:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 1
Tetsuya Oyamada

Laser Microwelding of NiTi and PtIr Alloy Wires
Target audience: Medical device fabrication, welding metallurgy.
Key learning: Microwelding of thin wires. Control of fusion zone location using laser during welding. Relation between microstructure and failure location in fusion zone.
Abstract: NiTi alloys with compositions near equiatomic Ni and Ti have unique properties such as excellent shape memory effect, superelasticity, and biocompatibility. A combination of NiTi and PtIr alloys is used for biomedical devices such as stents, catheters, and guidewires due to its distinctive mechanical properties and X-ray visibility. Although laser microwelding is a useful welding technique, brittle intermetallic compounds (IMCs) formed in the fusion zone (FZ) may deteriorate the joint strength of NiTi and PtIr alloys. In this study, a laser offset was implemented for butt NiTi and PtIr wires to clarify the effects of the composition in the FZ on IMC formation and its impact on joint strength. A laser offset to the NiTi wire side significantly enhanced joint breaking stress and strain compared to welding without laser offsets. In the absence of the laser offset, brittle X3Ti (X = Ni, Pt, Ir) was formed in the FZ, leading to crack propagation, whereas the laser offset to the NiTi side inhibited the X3Ti formation by mitigating Pt and Ir dissolution into the FZ. The laser offset should be a promising method to enhance the strength and ductility of NiTi and PtIr butt joints. (193 words)
Biography: Tetsuya Oyamada is a PhD student in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo. My research area is the dissimilar metal microjoining using laser, mainly used for biomedical products. I have also worked for Nippon Steel Corporation as a senior researcher at the Research and Development laboratories since 2010. I earned a Master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering in 2010 from Tohoku University.
Laser Microwelding of NiTi and PtIr Alloy WiresJune 12th : 1:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Nathaniel Roberts

Digital Solutions for the Shop Floor
Target Audience: QA/QC inspectors, Welding Engineers, Welding Supervisors, Production leads
Key Learnings: How to use digital products to improve your production and take it to the next level by completely optimizing your workflows.
Abstract: This presentation will cover software applications that are tailored to meet the needs, improve workflow performance, provide real-time data analytics and achieve optimal production results for manufacturers and fabricators. Tracing critical weld data and analyzing the data is an arduous task if performed by humans, and is often incorrect. Digital applications can connect data, machinery and processes across a mixed fleet of welding, cutting and robotic equipment, allowing effortless connectivity and provide real-time measurable results. Companies have seen a 19 to 25% reduction in downtime by optimizing their welding practices, and gained an additional 500+ hours of productivity per month. With greater productivity, company’s backlog is tended to more quickly and revenues are increased. Also, preventative maintenance tasks can go from hours to minutes and traceability reports are created in seconds, not weeks or months.
Nathaniel Roberts is on the ESAB heavy industrial team. He represents digital solutions for North America. This includes products such as WeldCloud Notes for weld documentation and Octopuz for offline robot programming. He also covers the heavy industrial line of manual welding equipment and helps implement automation with welding cobots.
He graduated with a degree in Business Administration from UT Arlington. He spent six years overseas and can speak fluent Turkish. He has a background working for Airgas where he sold a wide range of welding equipment and a Texas based manufacturer where he ran aftermarket sales.
Digital Solutions for the Shop FloorJune 12th : 9:30 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Cedrik Rochon

A Roadmap to Implementing Robotic or Automated Material Removal in Metalworking Operations
Target audience: Industrial end-users, Manufacturing Engineers, Process Engineers, Shop Floor Supervisors, process engineers, automation teams, industrial automation system integrators, and business owners
Key learnings: Attendees will gain a better understanding of the many benefits of automating their operations in addition to how to assess readiness and evaluate requirements when looking at automation and robotics. Attendees will also learn about the rest of the process, including setting objectives and selecting the right technology, testing and integration, training, and ongoing maintenance. Attendees will further understand what to consider in how to tie down stream processes (post-welding) into an existing or developing automation plan, and how automating the post-weld work can free up their welding resources (human or robotic) to increase throughput in the most value-add parts of the operation, versus the dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks.
Abstract: Implementing robotic solutions for material removal in metalworking operations represents a transformative leap toward enhanced efficiency, precision, and safety. Traditional material removal processes in metalworking, such as grinding, polishing, and deburring, often involve manual labor, posing risks to worker safety and inconsistencies in quality. Robotic solutions address these challenges by automating these tasks, offering a more reliable and repeatable approach.
This session discusses the many benefits of implementing automated or robotic solutions and walks industrial end-users, shop floor supervisors and business owners though how to assess readiness, evaluate requirements, and set objectives, as well as selecting the right technology, designing the system, testing and integration, training, and ongoing maintenance.
Bio: Cédrik Rochon is well-versed in the technical challenges end users face across numerous industries as well as in industry needs and requirements for abrasives and other tools. With a Bachelor of Engineering from Polytechnique Montreal, combined with six years as a product manager for WALTER, Cédrik continuously works on the creation, design, and improvement of WALTER products and solutions to answer the needs of today's metalworking professionals.
A Roadmap to Implementing Robotic or Automated Material Removal in Metalworking OperationsJune 12th : 3:15 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Hassan Saghafifar

Introduction to Seaspan Welding Centre of Excellence
Target audience: welders, inspectors, shop supervisors, engineers, researchers, etc.
Key learnings: The presentation will highlight the capabilities of the Seaspan Welding Centre of Excellence (COE) and showcase how the COE can provide support to industries across Canada.
Abstract: The Seaspan Centre of Excellence (COE) has been established to enhance welding capability and productivity. The COE comprises three primary areas: (i) Welder Training and Qualification, ensuring the performance and competency of welders, (ii) Welding Technology Centre, dedicated to researching new consumables, processes, and technologies, and (iii) Welding and Material Testing Lab, which supports testing for welding procedure qualifications and material verification. The Welding and Material Testing Lab is certified to CSA W178.1 and is currently undergoing the process of obtaining ISO 17025 accreditation. With a team of welding and materials experts, the COE is equipped to conduct root cause analyses and provide engineering solutions to address welding production challenges, as well as recommend opportunities to improve quality and productivity. Since the beginning of 2023, the COE has been involved in several key projects of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, including procedure qualification for the Polar Icebreaker project.
Bio: Hassan Saghafifar holding a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, started his career path in the Power Generation in Iran. He later pursued a PhD program in Nottingham, UK, gaining experience in a materials testing lab setting. He continued his journey in oil and gas industry as a welding engineer. Finally, he moved to Canada and worked as a materials engineer in northern Alberta oil sand industry. In 2020, he joined Seaspan Vancouver Shipyard to establish a Welding and Materials Testing Lab for the Seaspan Centre of Excellence (COE). By 2023, he obtained a Welding Inspection Supervisor certification for COE lab.
Introduction to Seaspan Welding Centre of ExcellenceJune 12th : 1:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Sofia Salazar

Mathematical Model of Friction Stir Welding: Scaling Analysis of Heat Transfer and Plastic Deformation Phenomena
Target audience: Engineers, welding engineers, welding educators, researchers.
Key learnings: Deriving heat transfer and plastic deformation equations from the friction-induced phenomena during pin tool movement, a mathematical model describes shear layer thickness, maximum temperature, volumetric heat generation, and shear stress. This enables accurate calculation of the minimum temperature required for plastic deformation and the plunging factor, ensuring optimal conditions for successful welding.
Abstract: This research develops Friction stir welding mathematical model to predict the ideal temperature and plunging force to optimize the weld path quality, by considering only material properties. The Heat transfer and plastic deformation equations for describing the phenomena, specifically the deformation caused by friction of the metal, are revealed in this study. The Analysis considers temperature transfer and principles from fluid mechanics. The model enhances precision and concentrates on crucial FSW conditions by implementing scaling and calibration techniques using literature data. The temperature at the outer limit of the shear layers is determined using a geometric method, which accounts for deformation rate, stress, and temperature. Additionally, the plunging factor is calculated by minimizing the logarithm square error of temperature and torque. The model results in crucial equations to determine key parameters for welding any material and undergoes thorough validation. This model serves as a valuable resource for estimating temperature and torque and allows the identification of the best procedure variables and the creation of comprehensive process limit maps. This study contributes to advancing FSW technologies, which are utilized in diverse industries such as rocket manufacturing. The research addresses challenges within FSW, enhancing its applicability and impact.
Biography: Sofia Salazar holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad de Chile. Dedicated to welding research, she pursued an ELAP scholarship to Canada and joined the CCWJ team. Sofia is currently pursuing a Master's degree at the University of Alberta, specializing in the development of a mathematical model for friction stir welding. Sofia serves as the President of the University of Alberta's student chapter affiliated with AWS and CWB, showcasing her commitment to advancing welding technology. With aspirations to contribute to the industry, Sofia aims to leverage her expertise for impactful innovations and advancements in the welding industry.
Mathematical Model of Friction Stir Welding: Scaling Analysis of Heat Transfer and Plastic Deformation PhenomenaJune 13th : 1:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Rebecca Sanguigni

How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace Cultures
This panel discussion will address the current state of workplace cultures and the unique challenges women face while highlighting the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in fostering innovative and resilient work environments. Let’s explore strategies for how employers can implement a supportive atmosphere for women and practical solutions for how professional associations can help support leadership training and mentorship programs.
Bio: Rebecca embarked on her metal recycling journey in 2006. With a certificate in Metallurgy of Iron & Steel from McMaster University and over 17 years of experience, she possesses a deep understanding of the sector’s intricacies. Recently joining the board of the Association of Women in the Metal Industry (AWMI), Rebecca is enthusiastic about learning from accomplished leaders. She strongly advocates for women’s active involvement in the metal industry, believing it can significantly enhance its dynamics. With her expertise and commitment to diversity, Rebecca endeavors to instigate positive transformations within the metals business, fostering growth and inclusivity.
Women's Panel- How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace CulturesJune 13th : 12:30 pm
FABTECH Main-stage
Shadab Sarmast-Ghahfarokhi

Advancements in Gas Metal Arc Brazing Technology for High-Strength Steel to Aluminum Joints for Automotive Applications
Target audience: Automotive industry, welding and joining experts, inspectors, shop supervisors, investors, and entrepreneurs, welding researchers, materials scientists and engineers, and general conference attendees.
Key learnings: One key takeaway from the study is the importance of carefully controlling the heat input during the joining process to minimize the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at the interface between aluminum and zinc-coated steel. The two-stage failure mode observed suggests that crack initiation and propagation are influenced by the specific characteristics of the joint interface, emphasizing the need for precise welding techniques to achieve high-strength Al-to-steel joints in automotive applications.
Abstract: The goal of multi-material automotive design is to reduce fuel consumption by making vehicles lighter, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing safety. One effective approach is joining steel and aluminum (Al), which balances environmental concerns with safety considerations. Although fusion welding methods like resistance spot welding or laser welding are commonly used, challenges arise when welding Al alloys to zinc (Zn)-coated steels due to issues like brittle intermetallic compound (IMC) formation and hot cracking. Weld-brazing has emerged as a promising method, offering better heat control and minimal heat-affected zone softening. However, achieving high strength in dissimilar Al-to-steel joints remains a challenge. This study investigated the weld-brazing of ZnAlMg coated steel to 6061 Al alloy, employing gas metal arc brazing (GMAB) with AC precision pulse mode with ER5183 Al filler wire. Results showed a two-stage failure mode, with cracks initiating along the horizontal interface of the Al/bead and propagating along the vertical interface of the steel/bead, ultimately leading to failure from the bead. The study highlights critical regions for crack propagation during shear-tensile loading, offering insights to control IMC formation and develop high-strength Al-to-steel joints for automotive applications.
Bio: Shadab Sarmast is a Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. Norman Zhou and Prof. Michael Benoit. Throughout her doctoral program, she has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers focusing on welding and joining advanced materials, published in prestigious journals. Leading a weld-brazing project in collaboration with the International Zinc Association, she works closely with industry partners such as Lincoln Electric, Ford Motor Company, and CWB. Shadab has received several awards, including the CWB Welding Foundation Graduate Scholarship, GM Canada Innovators Graduate Scholarship, and others, recognizing her contributions to the field.
Advancements in Gas Metal Arc Brazing Technology for High-Strength Steel to Aluminum Joints for Automotive ApplicationsJune 13th : 3:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Daniela Todaro

How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace Cultures
This panel discussion will address the current state of workplace cultures and the unique challenges women face while highlighting the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in fostering innovative and resilient work environments. Let’s explore strategies for how employers can implement a supportive atmosphere for women and practical solutions for how professional associations can help support leadership training and mentorship programs.
Bio: Daniela Todaro is an accomplished professional in the metals industry, currently serving as the General Manager for Bothwell Steel, a division of Samuel located in Cambridge, Ontario. She assumed this role on August 1, 2020, bringing with her over 16 years of experience and expertise in the field. Beyond her managerial responsibilities, Daniela is actively involved in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in her workplace. She holds a position on the DEI Advisory Board at Samuel, emphasizing her commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment. Moreover, she is a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment in the metals industry and serves as the President on the board of the Association for Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI) Toronto Chapter.
Women's Panel- How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace CulturesJune 13th : 12:30 pm
FABTECH Main-stage
Haitao Wang

Welding Productivity Improvements with Linde Starsolver™ Program
Target audience: welder, technician, shop supervisors, welding engineers, plant manager etc. Anyone involved in welding production, welding quality/cost control and continuous improvement.
Key learnings: Welding fume reduction measures in different levels applied in practical welding production and results. Linde Starsolver™ program application cases in Canadian companies.
Abstract: Linde Starsolver™ program is a systematic process to deliver continuous improvements to metal fabricators through a rigorous and systematic process.
In the presentation, real cases in Canadian welding companies, which show welding process improvement in productivity, overall cost, welding environment by conducting Starsolver™ program, will be introduced.
Bio: Haitao Wang is the Sr. Metal Fab Productivity Specialist in Linde Canada Inc. Haitao graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a Master’s degree in Material Processing Engineering. He is an IIW International Welding Engineer and a Professional Engineering of PEO in Metallurgical Engineering. With over 17 years of experience in welding industry, Haitao developed welding filler metals used in Engineering Machinery, pressure vessel, oil storage tank, etc., and helps customers in welding procedure development. Workes as Sr. Metal Fab Productivity Specialist, he assists customers in welding process improvement and cost saving.
Welding Productivity Improvements - Starsolver™ ProgramJune 13th : 10:30 am
Room: Sutherland 1
Jason Wooley

Highly Productive Laser Welding of Battery Trays, Fuel Cells, Hair Pins, Cap-Can and Battery Contacts
Target audience: Laser Welding and Joining Engineers, Technicians, Welding Supervisors, Production Planners
Key learnings: Learn how to integrate cost effective, compact laser scanner units for high speed, high quality joining EV applications, laser joining cycle time by arranging, in an array, multiple laser scanners on a single process-specific application plate.
Abstract: Welding speeds are often the limit for the productivity of a laser welding station. Laser welding battery trays, particularly 6XXX alloys that require filler wire to prevent hot cracking, the welding speed can be increased by adding an oscillating function and using smaller spots with tactile welding optics.
For other battery applications without additional wire, such as fuel cells, chillers, busbars, and hairpins, Scansonic has developed a new, very compact scanner device “Fast Component Welding Head”. This pre-focused, very precise scanner head with a fast Z-shifter enables oscillation or “jumps” at a frequency of up to 1 kHz. It is now possible to add and arrange multiple heads (and lasers) to suit the application within one laser station.The talk explains the technology and shows application case studies.
Bio: Jason Woolley is the Managing Director with Scansonic, a global company specializing in Laser welding, brazing, cutting and hardening optics. Mr. Woolley has over 30 years’ experience working in the laser industry with a specific concentration in laser process development for the automotive sector. With expertise in Powertrain and Body in White, Mr. Woolley has helped to deliver over 300 laser welding systems throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.
Highly Productive Laser Welding of Battery Trays, Fuel Cells, Hair Pins, Cap-Can and Battery ContactsJune 12th : 9:00 am
Room: Sutherland 2
Jihui Yan

Fabrication of high entropy alloy coating using electrospark powder deposition
Target audience: Working on the manufacturing process, high entropy alloy, auto industry.
Key learning: Rapid melting mixing, and solidification of powder in electrospark deposition process. Process optimization regarding the parameter sets and deposition process. Coating characterization using different approaches for high entropy alloy.
Abstract: High entropy alloy has now gained more and more attention in materials science yet is not well used as an application, and one of the most important applications of metal and alloys is in the form of coating. Therefore, a novel method of manufacture of high entropy alloy coating using electrospark deposition will be studied in this report, which will be known as electrospark powder deposition. It uses a mixture of single-element metallic powders of Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni as the feedstock to fabricate the CrFeCoNi coating on the steel substrate, the approach is realistic due to the “straightforward” combination of the high entropy alloy (normally equiatomic). This study will investigate the manufacturing process of the coating, and perform the characterization of the coating to ensure the target material, as well as the basic tests of microhardness and the wear test. This report aims to study the feasibility of the powder deposition and gain positive feedback, which may be spread for the manufacturing of high entropy alloy coating with a wider range of element combinations. (176 words)
Biography: Jihui Yan received HBSc degree in Materials Science from the University of Toronto in 2021, and MASc degree from the University of Waterloo in 2023. He is currently a first-year PhD student in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics, Centre for Advanced Materials Joining at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. Norman Zhou and Prof. Peng Peng. Jihui Yan’s research activities and interests are in the general area of materials science and processing technologies for coating applications, specializing in micro joining, and high entropy alloy.
Fabrication of High Entropy Alloy Coating Using Electrospark Powder DepositionJune 13th : 3:30 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
Kaiping Zhang

On the Control of Intermetallic Formation in NiTi-Stainless Steel Welding
Target audience: Working on the welding process (esp. dissimilar welding) and shape memory alloys.
Key learning: Welding design/strategy based on the IMCs control. Microstructural evolution and joint properties of NiTi-SS welded joints. Understanding of joining and failure mechanisms of dissimilar joints.
Abstract: NiTi and stainless steel (SS) are both widely used biomedical materials. Recently, the demand for the fabrication of multifunctional biomedical devices requires the reliable joining/welding between NiTi and SS. However, the formation of harmful intermetallic (IMCs) is a tough problem for NiTi-SS welding since these IMCs have a high formative driving force within a Ni-Ti-Fe-Cr metallurgical system and they are generally considered as brittle phases. During the past few years, our research group has proposed several effective strategies on the control of IMCs formation in NiTi-SS welding, which are mainly focused on the microstructure modification by introducing other alloying elements, as well as the restriction on the mixing of dissimilar molten metals. In this presentation the in-depth analysis on the welding design, microstructural evolution, joint properties and fracture mechanism of NiTi-SS joints are presented. The results can provide some new insights on dissimilar metals welding.
Bio: Kaiping Zhang is a PhD student in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics, Centre for Advanced Materials Joining at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. Norman Zhou and Prof. Peng Peng. Kaiping’s research activities and interests are in the general area of materials science and processing technologies for dissimilar materials joining involving shape memory alloys.
On the Control of Intermetallic Formation in NiTi-Stainless Steel Welding June 12th : 2:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 2
CanWeld24- Event Opening7:30 am
Room: Sutherland 3-5
The Importance of Taking Field Repair Seriously: Vibrating Screen Cloth Failure Analysis 9:00 am
Presenter: Nairn Barnes
Room: Sutherland 1
Highly Productive Laser Welding of Battery Trays, Fuel Cells, Hair Pins, Cap-Can and Battery Contacts9:00 am
Presenter: Jason Wooley
Room: Sutherland 2
Welding Automation in Fabrication of Navy Combat Ship Gas Turbine Exhaust System9:30 am
Presenter: Kevin Bagheri
Room: Sutherland 1
Welding Steel Before and After Galvanizing (Best Practices & Recommendations)10:00 am
Presenter: Hellen Christodoulou
Room: Sutherland 1
Considerations for the successful execution of High-Temperature Local Heat Treatment10:00 am
Presenter: Scott Fong
Room: Sutherland 2
Organized Construction Sector Strategic Workforce Planning System (Skilled Trade Demand/Supply Forecasting Program)10:45 am
Presenter: George Gritziotis
Room: Sutherland 1
An Introduction to the Modern Collaborative Welding Tool: Elevate Your Technology Strategy & Upgrade Your Workforce in Fabrication with Cobots10:45 am
Presenter: Will Healy II
Room: Sutherland 1
GMAW of Inconel 686 on Stainless Steel: Welding Parameter Effects on Residual Stress and Distortion11:15 am
Presenter: Zahra Khodamoradi
Room: Sutherland 2
The Hydrogen Economy vs. Standards & Regulations – A Practical Perspective1:00 pm
Presenter: Joyce Lam
Room: Sutherland 1
Laser Microwelding of NiTi and PtIr Alloy Wires1:00 pm
Presenter: Tetsuya Oyamada
Room: Sutherland 2
How can Process Monitoring and Quality Assurance for Laser Joining be Improved? 1:30 pm
Presenter: Jay Flowers
Room: Sutherland 1
Introduction to Seaspan Welding Centre of Excellence1:30 pm
Presenter: Hassan Saghafifar
Room: Sutherland 2
On the Control of Intermetallic Formation in NiTi-Stainless Steel Welding 2:00 pm
Presenter: Kaiping Zhang
Room: Sutherland 2
Efficient welding of high strength steels in regard with static and fatigue strength2:45 pm
Presenter: Ebrahim Harati
Room: Sutherland 1
CWB Electrodes Certification – Extent of Qualification3:15 pm
Presenter: André Boulianne
Room: Sutherland 2
A Roadmap to Implementing Robotic or Automated Material Removal in Metalworking Operations3:15 pm
Presenters: Ryan Boyd, Cedrik Rochon
Room: Sutherland 2
Recent Developments in Welding of Transportation and Energy Materials8:15 am
Presenter: Adrian P. Gerlich
Room: Sutherland 3-5
It’s a Small World: Building Relationships and Exceptional Project Experiences 9:00 am
Presenter: Sam Barrett
Room: FABTECH Main-stage
New Approaches to Control GMAW Welding Fumes: Research Results, Regulatory Foresight, Business Sustainability.10:00 am
Presenter: Ernst Miklos
Room: Sutherland 1
Deep Learning to Characterize the Morphology of the Arc and Metal Transfer in GMAW10:00 am
Presenter: J. Eduardo Alvarez Rocha
Room: Sutherland 2
Welding Productivity Improvements - Starsolver™ Program10:30 am
Presenter: Haitao Wang
Room: Sutherland 1
Determination of Bead Dimensions and Catchment Efficiency in Laser Cladding10:30 am
Presenter: Nitheesh Kumar Ramasamy
Room: Sutherland 2
The Business of Welding: Navigating Trends and Challenges11:45 am
Presenter: Jim Brown
Room: Sutherland 3-5
Women's Panel- How Associations and Employers Can Empower Women to Create New Workplace Cultures12:30 pm
Presenters: Daniela Todaro, Rebecca Sanguigni, Jen Coulson, Marissa McMurray
FABTECH Main-stage
Vision-Based Adaptive Welding Solutions for the Top Three Challenges in Welding Fabrication1:30 pm
Presenter: Mahyar Asadi
Room: Sutherland 1
Mathematical Model of Friction Stir Welding: Scaling Analysis of Heat Transfer and Plastic Deformation Phenomena1:30 pm
Presenter: Sofia Salazar
Room: Sutherland 2
Incorporating VR Technology Into Training Future Welders2:00 pm
Presenter: Carly Myers
Room: Sutherland 1
Integrating 3G Advanced High Strength Steel into Automotive Production – Development of High-Quality Joints with High Stacking Ratio2:00 pm
Presenter: Hasan Habib
Room: Sutherland 2
Unlocking Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)’s Potentials at Conestoga College2:30 pm
Presenter: Tam Nguyen
Room: Sutherland 1
Revolutionary intermetallic compounds formation during Laser Braze Welding of Zinc-coated Automotive Steels2:30 pm
Presenter: Shima Akbarian
Room: Sutherland 2
Revolutionizing Welding Excellence: Automated Technologies and Intelligent Fume Extraction Systems3:00 pm
Presenter: Duncan Beaumont
Room: Sutherland 1
Advancements in Gas Metal Arc Brazing Technology for High-Strength Steel to Aluminum Joints for Automotive Applications3:00 pm
Presenter: Shadab Sarmast-Ghahfarokhi
Room: Sutherland 2
Joining Nuclear Fuel Rod to End Cap w/ no Flaw Repeatable3:30 pm
Presenter: Paul Cheng
Room: Sutherland 1
Fabrication of High Entropy Alloy Coating Using Electrospark Powder Deposition3:30 pm
Presenter: Jihui Yan
Room: Sutherland 2
CanWeld24- Closing Statements4:00 pm
Room: Sutherland 3-5
All session times are listed in EST. The proposed schedule may be altered and is subject to change.
We will offer two streams each event day to give attendees more topic options.
Click HERE for the event program.
Topics that you can look forward to include:
- Welding fabrication
- Business of welding
- Welding inspection
- Industry success
- Educating the industry on advancements in welding technologies and processes
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